Non-Surgical Body Contouring
Laser Liposuction
Laser Liposuction is a common procedure that can help with targeted fat removal. Our unique technology allows us the ability to provide in-office procedures without the use of full anasethia or the potential of scaring. Laser Liposuction can be used to treat the abdomen, arms, bra bulge, back flanks, and thighs.
Laser Lipo can be combined with other Non-Surgical and Surgical treatments to enhance contouring.

Body Sculpting
Our Non-Surgical approach to achieving remarkable body contouring utilizes a combination of Morhpeus8 Body and Body Tite to provide skin tightening, collagen building, and fat melting.
Signature Body Sculpting
Achieve results similar to traditional surgery without going under the knife. Our Signature Body Sculpting procedures combine Morpheus8 Body, Body Tite, and Liposuction to remove unwanted fat, tighten skin, and contour your body without full anesthesia or lengthy downtime.