
Imami Skin & Cosmetic Center’s patient was recently featured in Florida Today recounting her experience with Dr. Imami’s Signature Non-Surgical Face Lift.

Non-surgical facelifts are less invasive more affordable option Edited v1.01 p1 Non-surgical facelifts are less invasive more affordable option Edited v1.02 p2 Non-surgical facelifts are less invasive more affordable option Edited v1.01 p3 Non-surgical facelifts are less invasive more affordable option Edited v1.01 p4 Non-surgical facelifts are less invasive more affordable option Edited v1.02 p5

If you would like to learn more about Dr. Imami’s Signature Non-Surgical Facelift or other surgical or non-surgical procedures let us know, we would be glad to answer any questions you have.

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Ref: https://www.floridatoday.com/story/life/wellness/2022/12/13/non-surgical-facelifts-are-less-invasive-more-affordable-option/69720405007